Serving in the Brazil, Fortaleza East Mission

Brazil, Fortaleza East Mission

Saturday, June 10, 2017

We Interrupt your regularly scheduled emails... (Week #11)

Hello All!
I am sending an email outside of my regular email cycle because I am in Fortaleza for the next few days staying with the mission secretaries, and their P-Days are split, half on Saturday mornings, and half on Monday afternoon. So We are emailing now!
I actually still do not know about what is happening with my deportation, but I am assuming that since I am still here, God pulled of a miracle and I will get to stay in Brazil!
This week was a bit rough, which is why I am here in Fortaleza! I felt much better on Sunday and Monday of this week, and so thought I was over the illness that had been bothering me, but this was not the case. Tuesday and Wednesday were both rough days yet again, and it came to a peak on Thursday. Elder Paixao called President Leite to tell him that I was feeling sick again, and President told me that he wanted me to come to Fortaleza for a few days so that I could go to the Hospital here. So that’s what we did!
Yesterday I went to the Hospital which compared to my experience with the so called hospital in Quixeromobim, my faith in modern medicine has been restored! It was a much better experience, but at the same time traumatic and something that I would like to never again speak of. The nicest way to explain things is that they discovered some issues with my intestines and had to clean them out….
They gave me some perscriptions to take so now we will just wait and hope that they work! But I am feeling much better, and being in Fortaleza alone is helping me a lot to just remember that there still is modern civilization in the world!
Other than this there is nothing new for me to talk about, the Fortaleza trip is the main event this week!I am here staying in Fortaleza and one of the Secretaries went back to Quixeromobim with Elder Paixao for the next few days. I am feeling much better and they are taking excellent care of me here, and its kind of cool because I am learning what the secretaries do here in the office!
For a spiritual thought, I would like to invite everyone to read the church magazine article by Quintine L Cook called ´´Act well your Part´´ (Hopefully that title sounds a little familiar to some of you). Elder Cooks remarks in this article are excellent and have some fantastic steps to help us all understand how we can be better representatives of Christ in our own lives.
I hope you all are well, and I leave you with my testimony that I know God and Jesus Christ live and help us in every aspect of our lives. They know and love each and every one of us.
Until a week from next Monday my friends.
Elder Ferrell 

1) The Baptism of Tatianie

2) The Military Police of Brazil

3) My new Hammock!

4) English Class!

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