Serving in the Brazil, Fortaleza East Mission

Brazil, Fortaleza East Mission

Monday, May 21, 2018

What a Week! (Week #61)

Well this week was WEIRD!!
Monday night our group of 14 american missionaries went to the airport to leave for Sao Paulo. We went from Fortaleza to Natal were we caught the connecting flight to Sao Paulo. We arrive in sao paulo at about 3 AM, and from there got into a van that drove us to the police station. On the way we stopped at some place to eat breakfast that looked like the USA! But was sooo expensive! After Breakfast we arrived at the Police sation at around 7:30 and had to wait for them to open at 8. There we did everything with our visas, went to eat mcDonalds on the way to the airport, and went back to Fortaleza! It was a really fun trip actually! Nobody slept, but it was nice to pass a little bit of time with Americans, and Sao Paulo was sooo......Modern!
Then, Wednesday Elder Mortensen called me to tell me President had asked us to help out a companionship that was having problems. What happened was there was a missionary who is about to go home training a new missionary from Guatamala, and they were fighting a lot, until the New missionary called President wanting to go home. President Leite sent Elder Mortensen to their area to stay with the Elder who is finishing his misison for the week, and Elder Solares from Guatamala came here to Horizante and was my companion for the week. It was a bit difficult because with Elder Mortensen in the other city, I was following up with the zone all alone! But everything worked out. Elder Solares is a good guy and I am pretty sure he will be ok now and finish out his mission.
The other noteworthy part of the week was yesterday. I woke up with suchh a bad headache, then went to ward council and after to visit a few people, but i was getting super weak by the minute! I am not sure what it was but I was soo sick. We had to call sister Leite and she had us go home and rest in our house, then we went to sacrament meeting, and had to leave after for me to rest more and for Elder Solares to pack his suitcases! Today I am feeling much better but man it was strange!!!! 
Thats about it for the week though! Elder Mortensen is back now and this week we have the wedding of Rogeiro and Ana Clezia and they will be baptized right after! Its gonna be good!
Have a good week everyone!
Elder Ferrell

1) Road Trip!!!! (but on a plane)

2) This breakfast was 29 Reals!!!! :(

3) Lunch at McDonalds

4) Sao Paulo Airport 

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